Tenecteplase outperforms standard stroke treatment

Tenecteplase, a clot buster used off-label for treating ischemic stroke, outperforms alteplase, the standard treatment, in health outcomes and cost, researchers reported on September 23, 2022 in Stroke. Tenecteplase is administered in a single five- to 10-second intravenous injection. Alteplase is injected over a 60-minute period. “When it comes to treating patients with a stroke, every second matters,” said lead […]

Key protein that drives rheumatoid arthritis damage

Scientists have identified a protein known as sulfatase-2 that plays a critical role in the damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis. A chronic disease in which the immune system attacks the body’s own joint tissues, rheumatoid arthritis affects an estimated 1.5 million Americans. Published in the journal Cellular & Molecular Immunology, the discovery sheds new light on the molecular processes that drive […]

Chlamydia’s stealthy cloaking device identified

Chlamydia, the leading cause of sexually transmitted bacterial infections, evades detection and elimination inside human cells by use of a cloaking device. But Duke University researchers have grasped the hem of that invisibility cloak and now hope they can pull it apart. To enter the cell and peacefully reproduce, many pathogenic bacteria, including Chlamydia, cloak themselves in a piece of […]

Front-loading calories early in the day reduces hunger but does not affect weight loss

There’s the old saying in dieting that one must “breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dine like a pauper,” based on the belief that consuming the bulk of daily calories in the morning optimizes weight loss by burning calories more efficiently and quickly. But according to a new study publishing September 9 in Cell Metabolism, whether a person […]

Cold method for clearer fatty liver observation found

Obesity can give rise to a variety of health concerns. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)—a type of fatty liver disease that might progress to cancer—is particularly prevalent among obese people. Treatment for NASH patients has yet to be found, due partly to the absence of suitable and efficient methods to isolate and analyze characteristics of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), which are proven […]

Immuno-oncology treatment pre-surgery safe and effective option for localized non-small cell lung cancer

New study data shows that the immuno-oncology drug, atezolizumab (pronounced  a” te zoe liz’ ue mab, marketed as Tecentriq) is a safe and effective treatment for stage IB-IIIB non-small cell lung cancer patients prior to lung cancer surgery, according to a new study led by researchers with The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center – Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and […]

Trained radiographers may be a solution for the radiologist shortage

When double reading screening mammograms, radiographers (technologists) trained for the task perform as well as radiologists in key areas, according to a study published in Radiology, a journal of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Double reading, the process of interpreting a radiological image with two or more sets of eyes, is the standard of care throughout Europe and it […]

Novel imaging approach reveals important details about rare eye disease choroideremia

By combining traditional eye imaging techniques with adaptive optics – a technology that enhances imaging resolution – researchers at the National Eye Institute (NEI) have shown for the first time how cells across different tissue layers in the eye are affected in people with choroideremia, a rare genetic disorder that leads to blindness. Their study, which was funded by the […]

Study shows annual screening before age 50 leads to lower proportions of advanced breast cancer

A new study led by University of Ottawa professors has found Canadian provinces that annually screen women aged 40-49 had lower proportions of advanced breast cancer compared to women aged 50-59 from provinces that did not hold annual mammograms. The study, published in the latest edition of Current Oncology, found lower proportions of stage 2, 3 and 4 breast cancer in […]