7 Porn Myths debunked by an Indian Pornstar

Diving into the porn industry, one can’t help but notice the hushed tones that often shroud this subject. It’s a topic that seems to evoke a complex web of cultural and social anxieties, particularly when considering its implications in the context of South Asian communities. In an age where the internet has granted instant access to explicit content via the […]

Pakistani Porn Searches & Habits

Porn remains a highly controversial and stigmatised topic in Pakistan, where cultural and legal factors contribute to its challenging landscape. The increase in technology, particularly smartphones and high-speed internet connectivity, has made porn more accessible in Pakistan. This increased access raises concerns about its impact on social dynamics, relationships, and the younger generation. However, in accordance with cultural principles and […]

I’m a Punjabi Man and Want to Become a Pornstar

There are many individuals who want to enter the sex industry and become a pornstar. But, very few come from a British Asian background. The adult film industry is a controversial topic that can spark a wide range of opinions and emotions. While some people view it as a form of exploitation and degradation, others see it as a legitimate […]