Plant-based diet associated with lower risk of covid infection and less severe disease

In a recent study led by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Kings College Hospital published in Gut, people whose diets were based on healthy plant-based foods had lower risks of covid infection and severe disease.1 The beneficial effects of diet on COVID-19 seemed especially relevant in individuals living in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation. Poor metabolic health and […]

Severe infections during pregnancy associated with complications around childbirth

Researchers recommend increased prenatal surveillance for patients with sepsis and other serious infections University of California – San Francisco Individuals who are hospitalized during pregnancy due to sepsis have higher odds of complications surrounding childbirth, according to a study led by researchers at UC San Francisco. The study found that pregnancies complicated by sepsis were associated with an increased risk […]

Hospitals prevent deadly fungal infection during pandemic

As COVID-19 infections threatened to overwhelm hospitals in March 2020, infection control specialists worried not just about SARS-CoV-2 but also about other viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. C. auris is a type of fungus that causes severe, often fatal infections and is resistant to most antifungal drugs. It can be carried on a patient’s skin and can survive on surfaces for […]