Donor hearts can be reprogrammed with medication for longer storage, improved transplant outcomes

Hundreds of thousands of Americans with heart failure are sick enough to benefit from a transplant, yet only around 4,000 heart transplants are performed annually. One reason for this gap is the time window during which a heart can survive outside the donor body before transplant hovers around four hours. And the longer it takes for the donor heart to […]

Hearts from donors who were COVID-19 positive may be safe for transplantation

Donor hearts from people who were COVID-19-positive appeared to be as safe for transplantation as those from people without COVID-19, according to a short-term analysis to be presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2022. The meeting, held in person in Chicago and virtually, Nov. 5-7, 2022, is a premier global exchange of the latest scientific advancements, research and evidence-based […]

Pilot study suggests artificial intelligence could help assess, improve heart transplant outcomes

Heart transplantation can be a lifesaving operation for patients with end-stage heart failure. However, many patients experience organ transplant rejection, in which the immune system begins attacking the transplanted organ. But detecting transplant rejection is challenging — in its early stages, patients may not experience symptoms, and experts do not always agree on the degree and severity of the rejection. […]