Made-to-order diagnostic tests may be on the horizon

McGill University researchers have made a breakthrough in diagnostic technology, inventing a ‘lab on a chip’ that can be 3D-printed in just 30 minutes. The chip has the potential to make on-the-spot testing widely accessible. As part of a recent study, the results of which were published in the journal Advanced Materials, the McGill team developed capillaric chips that act as miniature […]

Simple blood test can help diagnose bipolar disorder

Researchers have developed a new way of improving diagnosis of bipolar disorder that uses a simple blood test to identify biomarkers associated with the condition. The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, used a combination of an online psychiatric assessment and a blood test to diagnose patients with bipolar disorder, many of whom had been misdiagnosed with major depressive disorder. […]

Is universal screening for type 1 diabetes around the corner?

The the latest data on  universal screening for type 1 diabetes (T1D) is reveiwed in a session at this year’s Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) in Hamburg, Germany (2-6 October). The talk will be given by Dr Emily K. Sims, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Indiana University School […]

Study shows nearly 300% increase in ADHD medication errors

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is among the most common pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders. In 2019, nearly 10% of United States (U.S.) children had a diagnosis of ADHD. Approximately 3.3 million children, or roughly 5 out of every 100 children in the U.S., are currently prescribed medication for ADHD. In a new study, published today in Pediatrics, researchers at the Center for Injury Research and Policy and Central […]

Scientists find ‘concerning’ flaw in malaria diagnostics

Current methods can vastly overestimate the rates that malaria parasites are multiplying in an infected person’s blood, which has important implications for determining how harmful they could be to a host, according to a new report. The findings also have consequences for understanding the evolution of traits that lead to drug resistance, how quickly a parasite might spread through a […]

Dermatology program brings timely and accurate diagnosis of skin conditions

A dermatology program first developed by the University of Missouri in 2015 can bring life-saving diagnoses of skin conditions to communities without adequate dermatologic care. Researchers from the University of Missouri School of Medicine, looked at data collected as part of its Dermatology Extension for Community Health Outcomes (ECHO) project and found that primary care physician participation in the project improves accuracy […]

AI model outperforms clinicians in diagnosing pediatric ear infections

An artificial-intelligence (AI) model built at Mass Eye and Ear was shown to be significantly more accurate than doctors at diagnosing pediatric ear infections in the first head-to-head evaluation of its kind, a research team working to develop the model for clinical use reported. According to a new study published August 16 in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, the model, called OtoDX, […]

Older adults with rheumatoid arthritis still undermedicated, despite aggressive guidelines

Despite guidelines that call for early and aggressive treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, a new study suggests many older adults are not prescribed disease-modifying medications for their inflammatory autoimmune disease. Researchers at Michigan Medicine used the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey to analyze all ambulatory visits for rheumatoid arthritis by adults 65 years of age and older, representing 7.8 million visits […]

Health screening, genetic tests might identify people at risk of premature heart disease

Health screening and genetic tests might identify more than 1 million U.S. adults who carry a gene for familial hypercholesterolemia, a common genetic disorder that causes elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, known as “bad cholesterol,” which may lead to premature heart attack or death, according to new research published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association, an open access, […]