Maqam E Ibrahim and Hajr E Aswad Clear Pictures Released

Maqam E Ibrahim and Hajr E Aswad Clear Pictures Released

With the latest technology, the Saudi government created the clearest images of the Maqam E Ibrahim and the Hajr E Aswad inside the masjid alharam.

The photos were taken by the Engineering Studies Department of the Holy Mosque in Makkah. More than a thousand photos will be seen by Muslims around the world for the first time.

The image of the Hajr E Aswad was as fine as 49,000 megapixels. It took more than 50 hours to create the images.

The Hajr E Aswad is located on the outside of the southeast corner of the Ka’bah. The Tawaf of the Ka’bah begins and ends at the Hajr E Aswad. It is oval in shape and is reddish black in color. Has a diameter of 30 cm.

With the help of Focus Stack Panorama, pictures of Maqam Ibrahim were also made while such transparent pictures of Maqam Ibrahim have also come to light for the first time.