The impact of vitamin D on auto-immune disease

A recent prospective study has shown that vitamin D supplementation has a “strongly positive effect” in reducing the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis, Martin Hewison, Professor of Molecular Endocrinology, explains. [embedded content] The recognition that low vitamin D levels were linked with increased risks of a variety of health issues, including common cancers and autoimmune disease, prompted calls for prospective, randomised, […]

Why do people become vitamin D deficient?

Vitamin D deficiency occurs even in sunny parts of the world and one way to tackle it could be fortification of flour, a foodstuff that is used by most communities, suggests Professor of Molecular Endocrinology, Martin Hewison. [embedded content] One reason for low levels of vitamin D is limited exposure to sunlight and countries in the far North or South […]

Vitamin D and auto-immune disease

Vitamin D has a clear role in regulating the immune/inflammatory response and association studies have demonstrated a link between vitamin D deficiency and autoimmune diseases. However, supplementation is complicated by the lack of universal agreement about the levels that are ‘normal’ and ‘deficient’, says Professor Martin Hewison. [embedded content] Vitamin D acts in both the innate and adaptive arms of […]

Vitamin D: endocrine, intracrine and paracrine functions

Recent studies suggest that vitamin D has a much broader role in the human body than its well-documented effects on calcium homeostasis and bone metabolism. It has a role in normal immune function and could play a part in autoimmune disease. IMI spoke to Martin Hewison, Professor of molecular endocrinology at the University of Birmingham, to find out more. [embedded […]