Exercise prescription: Pioneering the “third pole” for clinical health management

Professor Chen Shiyi’s team at Huashan Hospital of Fudan University commented on the concept, policy, development and prospect of exercise prescription in the context of ” Health for All”, which was published in Research (10.34133/research.0284) under the title of ” Exercise Prescription: Pioneering the “Third Pole” for Clinical Health Management”. Modern lifestyles have led to reduced physical activity and a rise in […]

Silent Epidemic: Japan’s Rising Over-the-Counter Drug Abuse Sparks Urgent Call for Awareness

A non-prescription drug abuse crisis in Japan seems only one overdose away. The demand for a particular anti-cough drug has been rising, along with the social impact of its abuse due to its psychosomatic effects. The ease of obtaining information online about how to acquire over-the-counter medications or OTCs for achieving overdose, however, does not appear to be the real […]

Medicare is overpaying for generic drugs

Medicare is the single largest provider of health insurance in the United States, serving 63.8 million senior citizens as of 2022. Three-quarters of these recipients are enrolled in optional Medicare Part D plans, which provide outpatient prescription drug coverage to seniors through private insurance companies. In 2022, Medicare paid more than $160 Billion for prescription drugs, making it the single […]

What the papers say – weekly digest (10/11/23)

Your weekly digest of the top healthcare stories, covering news published from 06/10/2023 – 10/11/2023. Daily Express Thousands of women could be spared pain and anxiety with a womb cancer test that cuts the need for further procedures. The test, using a vaginal swab, is more accurate than current transvaginal ultrasounds. If the scan shows a thickened womb lining, women […]

34,000 healthcare professionals surveyed indicate they have higher bias against transgender people

By analyzing data from the Harvard Implicit Association Test—a widely accepted measure of a person’s attitudes toward people based on characteristics like race, gender, and sexuality—researchers find that healthcare professionals, and in particular nurses, are more biased against transgender people than are people who are not healthcare professionals. A questionnaire administered before and after the test shows that healthcare professionals […]

Landmark menopause toolkit updated to improve assessment and treatment

Care for women with menopausal health issues should improve globally following the release of an updated Monash University-led toolkit that guides health professionals around the world in assessing and treating them. Endorsed by the International, Australasian and British Menopause Societies, the Endocrine Society of Australia and Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, the 2023 Practitioner’s Toolkit for Managing the Menopause is […]

What the papers say – weekly digest (27/10/23)

Your weekly digest of the top healthcare stories, covering news published from 23/10/2023 – 27/10/2023. Daily Express More than half England’s authorities are failing to meet national dementia diagnosis targets. A postcode lottery means hundreds of thousands do not have the confirmation they need to obtain new treatments, Parliament’s all-party group on dementia said. Its report said a diagnosis rate […]

Examining sexual health equity in emergency care

Research from experts at Michigan Medicine is highlighting the potential for additional at-home assistance for partners of those who are treated in the emergency department  for a sexually transmitted infection. Expedited partner therapy is one method of reducing STI re-infection. It’s  a safe, effective, harm-reduction-focused practice of treating sex partner(s) of patients with STIs without a clinical exam of the partner(s). This […]

EU drug watchdog warns of fake Ozempic pens

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is warning patients and healthcare professionals to beware of pre-filled pens falsely labelled as Ozempic, a diabetes medicine linked to weight loss. National authorities notified the EU regulator after the pens, which are labelled in German and appear to have originated from wholesalers in Austria and Germany, were found in several locations in the EU […]

Americans will spend half their lives taking prescription drugs, study finds

An American born in 2019 will spend a larger share of their lifetime taking prescription drugs than being married or receiving an education, according to new research by Jessica Ho, associate professor of sociology and demography at Penn State. She found that American males will spend approximately 48% of their lives taking prescription drugs. The number jumped to 60% for […]